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Paulette Tomé



Graduated from Marietta College, 1998, then went to North Carolina filling a position for Library Media. Returned to Ohio and was a substitute teacher at Caldwell Exempted Village, Noble County, and Marietta City Schools. In 2001 came to St. John Central to fill the Second Grade and Title I positions. 

While working in the public library system, there were many opportunities to bring new experiences through programs and activities to the children. One day, I felt that as much as I enjoyed working with children at this level, I would enjoy working with them as a teacher.



Has three children, three grandchildren and a very large Pyrenees named Paddy.



Enjoys spending time with family, traveling, bird watching, and leisure reading.



Following morning assemblies, the student body makes a pledge that can be summed up as respect for yourself and others, do your best, and follow the rules in the classroom and the school. This describes the expectations in the classroom. The goals are to facilitate the transition from primary to middle school through learning organizational skills and to provide each student with high-quality educational experiences: To help each to become more internally motivated and interested in his/her learning and to make sure that each student is working to his or her potential.


Communication between parent and teacher is very important. â€‹If you have questions or need to discuss your student, please feel free to call or email at to make arrangements for a phone conversation or meeting.


Classroom policies and procedures include:

  • Students are to open their daily planners and place on desk for checking

  • Homework assignments are to be written in planner (if planner is forgotten at school, assignments can be found in the weekly newsletter)

  • Homework is placed in designated trays 

  • All graded work less than 85% is stamped for parent signature

  • Notes, office communications given directly to teacher

  • Students respond to questions by raising hand, or as group will be prompted by 1, 2, 3 . . .response

  • When working in pairs or groups, cooperation and contribution of ideas is expected from each

  • Teacher’s raised hand indicates listening for information or instruction

  • Homework is expected to be turned in the next day

  • In-class work is expected to be completed and turned in when assigned


Classroom curriculum is delivered incorporating various strategies that include kinesthetic, tactile, auditory, pair and share, small group, as well as individual work. Other activities to reinforce or improve students’ learning are:


Accelerated Reader which includes Math Facts in a Flash, Reading tests, and STAR Reading and Math, diagnostic and growth assessments, Keyboarding, and Learning apps.



© 2021 by St. John Central Grade School. 

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