Mrs. Jones
Class Procedure:
At the beginning of each class, you will be given an opportunity to ask
questions about the homework. You may be asked to put problems on the board. After questions, new material will be presented. It is the student’s responsibility to copy these notes & examples and use them for reference when doing homework.
If a class is missed, it is the student’s responsibility to get any missed notes &
Homework should be expected daily and be neatly labeled with name and assignment information (page # and problems) at the top of regular sized notebook paper, ready to be handed in at any time. Work must be shown to receive credit for the problems.
A notebook, exclusively for math, is to be kept with a section for class notes (dated with section number), homework (dated with section number), and quizzes & miscellaneous papers. Notebooks may be checked for a grade (usually at test time).
Tests will be given at the end of each chapter or related material. Quizzes may be given at any time, announced or unannounced. Homework may be collected at any time. Classroom participation is expected of everyone. No backpacks are permitted in our room.
Grades are based on Accumulated Points/ Possible Total Points and follow the school grading scale.
You are expected to:
Be prepared for class with assignments and necessary materials
Follow directions the first time they are giveN
Show respect for others and their property
Online Books
Parents should be aware that each of our textbooks has an online version that can be accessed from your computer at home. Please keep a copy of your access information at home in case you ever forget your textbook. The websites are listed below for each grade level:
Grade 8/Algebra: Choose high school math, Ohio, and the 2011 Algebra 1 book. Next choose Online book. The code to create a new student account is 6090922-20. Students will then be able to set a user name and password.
Grade 7/Pre-Algebra: Choose math, scroll down to Holt McDougal Larson Pre-Algebra. Enter the user name______________________ and Password _________________ to access the online version of the book. These usernames and passwords are linked to the actual textbooks.
Grade 6: Choose middle school math, Ohio, and the McDougal Littell Math Course 1. Next choose online book. The code to create a student account is 6090922-10. Students will then be able set a user name and password.
Grade 5: To access the student online edition, you will need the following access code: BE4B196ED0 (this last digit is a zero, not the letter “O”). This gets you to the online version where you can then select the proper Chapter/Lesson from the Table of Contents tab in the upper left corner.