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Virginia Dyar



I have taught at St. John for 42 yrs, 29 of them have been in kindergarten.



My husband is Jerry and we have four married children with six grandchildren and one more on the way.



Spending time with my family. 




Dear Students and Families,

          Welcome to St. John Central Kindergarten! My name is Virginia Dyar. My husband is Jerry and we have four married children with six grandchildren and one more on the way. I have taught at St. John for 42 yrs, 29 of them have been in kindergarten. Amy Lang, my classroom aide and I are very excited to get to know each of you and we are looking forward to a very productive school year. Following are a few things you may find helpful in navigating our school and classroom.


*Read the St. John Parent/Student Handbook for school rules and



*Kindergarten supply List:

Backpack (label)

8 or more Elmer’s glue sticks (do not label)

2 – two pocket folders (label)

2 – three prong folders (do not label)

3 boxes of 24 ct. regular size Crayola crayons. (do not label)

½ to 1 in. 3 ring binder

2 boxes of tissues

1 roll of paper towels

1 pkg. zip closure sandwich bags

2 pkgs. baby wipes

Rest mat, rug or small blanket (label)

Paint shirt (label)

Extra healthy snacks to be used if someone forgets

Crayon/Pencil/Art box – 8 ½” by 5”

A wallet size close up photo


*School supplies should be brought to school the evening of our annual Snoop n Scoop or on the first day of school.


*Each student will use one two pocket folder as their homework folder. They will bring it home every night and must return it to school each day. One pocket will be labeled “Stays Home” and the other “Bring Back”. Check your child’s folder daily.


*Homework will not be sent every day but should always be expected.  It is required to be completed the evening sent and returned the following school day (unless noted otherwise on the assignment.) Any incomplete homework will be done during recess.


*Communication: Each child will have a paper on the “Bring Back” side of their homework folder labeled Parent Communication Log. This paper is to remain in his/her folder at all times. All notes to us are to be written on this paper. It will be checked daily at school and is to be checked daily at home also.

You may call us at school, before 8:15 am or after 2:45pm.


Your family will receive a red folder from the office sent with the oldest enrolled child. These folders usually go home on Friday and they are to be cleaned out, signed and returned the following day of school.


Bus/Car rider parents need to use the form provided by the office, or call the office if there is any change in normal routine.


Emergency messages are to be called into the office. 


*Send a healthy snack to school each day. We have snack after first recess. Milk will be provided free of charge.


*Birthdays are very exciting. You are welcome to bring or send a treat for your child’s birthday. Please be sure to schedule with us in advance. Summer birthdays can be celebrated in May.


*Mass is on Wednesdays at 11am. in St. John Catholic Church.


*Behavior – We have high expectations for each student. We want each child to have a safe and structured environment in which to learn. Following rules is an important part of learning. We have very simple rules we will work on each day.

          Be kind to others.

          Raise your hand to speak.

          Listen when others are talking.

          Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself

          Always do your best work.


Working together we will create a safe environment for learning, filled with excitement and endless possibilities for the future. We look forward to seeing you and your child. 


Mrs. Virginia Dyar & Mrs. Amy Lang





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